Image showing a mans legs from shin down going up cement stairs wearing white, grey and orange sneakers

Before You Start

You must lovingly repeat every step, every day during the 33 Day Awakening Transformation if you wish to unleash the true you, the authentic you or you will never win the game of love. Remember, when you wake and just before you go to sleep are the most critical times for installing new belief systems ...   

I believe in you and now I need you to believe in you too. You got this.  

List of Steps

step 1


 List 3 things you're grateful for before your eyes even open while performing your Lion Heart Breathing Technique.  

step 2


Practice totally forgiving and sending love to 3 people, systems, corporations or anything in your life that you don't like (ex. Chemtrails, taxes, etc.) This might even be you and if it is, remember, you must come first and foremost. Let yourself off the hook for things you cannot fix and are probably none of your business. Let yourself off the hook for things you think you could have done or should have done, because the more contaminated your beliefs are, the more guilty you become and the more deeper and painful the hook becomes. "Off the Hook" is about eliminating Self-Hate and perfecting the art of forgiveness and uncondi­tional love. 

  1. Total Self-Forgiveness 

  2. Total Forgiveness of others 

  3. Compassion & Gratitude 

  4. Unconditional love 

step 3


Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of your day, visualizing and affirming what and how you wish to see your day - The Perfect Day each and every day for The Perfect Life.

step 4


Lovingly Snap Back into alignment with your Love Band - Life Band. 12x an hour if you wish to release your inner power. To ensure that you follow through turn on Telephone Tracking for lightning speed life changing results. Snap back to Total Self Love. 

  • "I love and approve of myself."
  • ''I’m amazing." 
  • ''I’m worthy."
  • ''I’m capable."

We're always going to run a program so make Love. So decide to commit and take massive action on the program that brings you the most joy.  

Dip everything in love and process through the heart-brain connection. Remember you cannot fix a problem with the same mind that created it. Don't create a landmine create a mater Mind. 

step 5A


Start every day with Mirror Work. Look deep into your eyes, with all your heart and repeat The Brave Heart Oath 10 times. Write The Brave Heart Oath on a sticky note and put it on your mirror, just below center (where your nose is) so that it is easy to read and easy to memorize. 

"Today and everyday I promise to totally trust, honor, respect, protect, forgive and love myself first and foremost before anyone else and anything else on this planet so help me God. Because I am, I can, I will!" 
"Today and everyday I promise to totally trust, honor, respect, protect, forgive and love myself first and foremost before anyone else and anything else on this planet. Because I am, I can, I will !" 
step 5B


Mirror Work whenever you get in and out of your vehicle. Align first then take action.

  • "I love me [Your Name]. I’m amazing!"
  • "Life is amazing!"
  • "I can do this, I got this!"
  • Never go home with anything but total love.
  • Wipe your mind off at the door.
step 5C


Mirror Work with every bathroom visit, "Hey beautiful! You're amazing" or "I got this!" or "I love and approve of myself."  

Go back into the bathroom if you forget to do your Mirror Work. This is not a punishment, this is a mission of love.  

Use any affirmation that makes you the Master of your Creation. 

step 6


Before bed do your bathroom mirror work. 

''Thank you, God, Creator, Source or [Your Name] for such a beautiful day, I love you so much!" Repeat this affirmation 10 times out loud with passion and intention from the heart while you look deep into your eyes.  
step 7


Before you sleep state 3 things you're grateful for from that day. Gratitude is Altitude. Rise to your Greatness. 

  • "I am grateful for another day on planet earth."
  • "I am grateful for being the hero of my day and the light for my family."
  • "I am grateful to that I belong to my Creator.”
step 8


Track and chart your pain body programs and those you are close to and you will come to realize that we are robots programmed for pain. End the pain game and strive. 

step 9


Open yourself up to the presence of total love between you and your partner or you and yourself with the Couples Connections and Self Love Connection and bring your love to the highest possible level. 

step 10


Introduce your family to the art of creative visualization by inviting your family to join you on your new journey by building a vision board or collage. Teamwork makes the Dreams Work.  

Come together, hug and melt hearts together and breathe life in. 

step 11


Recall Healing and Mind Mapping unlock the hidden secrets of illness and dis-ease by iden­tifying the underlying emotional conflicts and traumas that created this negative condition or behavior in the first place.

step 9


Mind Mapping is where we retrace, erase, replace and create the real you, the authentic you. Create a new map of reality of your past and super boost your life for the rest of your life. Your not your story until you make it yours. Rewrite your life's story, creating a new, true to you, reality map.  

Always know you are be blessed, always loved, always stay with your breath, always stay present, always connected to your higher self, your Source, your Creator, your God.  

We are sacred, spiritual beings, here for a larger reason and serving a higher purpose. 

About the Author

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