About Sileo Wellness
Hi! I'm Dean. The owner and Master Practitioner at Sileo Wellness.

Life on Autopilot
Are you living-eating and breathing the standard American Diet and cannot figure out why may have caused your weight gain? Are you suffering from unexplained rashes that appear out of the blue and can't get rid of it? Are you living a life on autopilot and feel empty? Is it getting increasingly harder to get out of bed in the morning? Does that yearly vacation you look forward to every year to escape your reality no longer spark joy?
Did You Know?
41.9% of adults in the USA have obesity (2002)
Source: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases
Major depression is the most common mental disorder in the U.S
Source: Public Health Columbia
Nearly 40% of Americans overspend to impress others to ‘Feel Successful’
Source: Lending Tree
Why We Do What We Do
If you're looking for a magic pill to fix your weight, depression or bring joy, you need to know it does not exist.
A pill may act as a temporary bandaid but sooner than later you're back to square one; I really need you to know this.
We all need guidance. When you discover:
- The 12 Simple Loving Steps
- How easy it is to make the right yet impactful - small incremental steps towards a healthy lifestyle change
- How out beliefs shape us & the way to Break bad habits
- How to process emotions so they don't get trapped in our body
You'll make leaps and bounds towards your goals! You're not alone, 10 years ago, I was in your shoes. It's not as hard as you think. If I can do it, so can you!
Meet Dean Sileo
Always had a passion to help people & animals.
This desire began my journey to find a life of passion and purpose. Naturally, I connected with Healing Strong. An organization offering people with cancer and other diseases local support through a natural approach to healing. I was a group leader and held a position as a board member.
There are two important differences to lasting change:
- The right personalized treatment for your condition
- The right personalized training
So you can continue on your own and not be dependent on anyone for your health. Only then will you truly take control of your life & health!
I understand this first hand as I used to be 75 pounds overweight, had rashes all over, was severely depressed & constantly stressed that nothing I tried worked!
Being mentally, emotionally, and physically drained leads to bad foods and bad moods and that was no way to live!
Once I discovered how to gently detoxify the body, get my bowels moving & get my emotions under control, I discovered changes. My body started healing and so can you!
Healing is about bringing balance and harmony back in your life. The tools you'll discover will help aid you to realize your potential and change your life forever! You don’t have to live in pain, you don’t have to have surgery, and you can feel young again! You have nothing to lose but pain!
Life Coach & Master Trainer