Seven Month Kitten with paws by face

Holistic Health For Pets Buford, GA

At Sileo Wellness, we focus on the holistic health of your whole animal not just treating the symptoms. We focus on their physical health but also their emotional well-being. We use a wider range of treatment options than most veterinarians don't offer.

Did you know that animals want to communicate With Us?

Just take a look at the incredible stories below on how animals saved human lives!

Pit Bull Saves Baby
"I am so blessed for  my dog, Sasha. She saved my baby's life. She grabbed her by the diaper & pulled her off her bed to safety."

Nana Chai - California USA
Love this one
Whale Protects Diver From Shark
"The whale was on my side and wouldn't leave me alone, because be knew something I didn't - then I saw the. shark."  
Nan Hauser - Whale Biologist
Cat, Rusty, saves woman from heart attack
"The best thing I did was go to the Human Society and adopt this cat. I though I was saving his life, but he actually ended up saving mine."
Claire Nelson - Burks Country, USA
Why Not communicate with them to solve "bad behavioural" issues?

Telepathic  Animal Communication

"Bad Behavioural" is just another form of communication

Are you at the end of your rope with your pets bad behaviour and you just don't know what to do? 

If you tried everything under the sun, but nothing seems to help try our Telepathic Animal Communication Service to get to the root cause.

Destroys Everything

Pet owners are dumfounded when they return home and to find their home transformed into a battlefield.  Shoes, clothes, cables, furniture, carpets – completely destroyed.

When the rage subsides and clean up is done the questions start to come up. Why did this happen & will it happen again?

Telepathic Animal CommunicatioN

Let me aid you to discover why your pet has developed this destructive tendency & how to fix it.

Peeing in the house

You came home after a long day at work only to step into a puddle of pee left by your pet as a welcome home gift.


We've helped many pets get rid of of this behaviour. It's one of the simplest ones to manage.

Excessive Barking, Whining & Biting

What is excessive? As defined by the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 is when an animal (usually dogs) creates a noise, by barking or otherwise, which persistently occurs or continues to such a degree or extent that it unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of a person.

Fully grown brown dog barking black background


Let me aid to discover the reason for your dogs anxiety and how to solve it so it doesn't happen again.


This is the #1 behavioural problem pet owners experience. This can be territorial, possessive, protective or fear based. 

Aggressive black & red cat hissing black background


Once we get to the root cause, your animal will be the loving pet you've always wanted.

Aches & Pains - In Clinic

Did you pet loose its vitality and you're using 'old age' as an excuse for long list of symptoms they're experiencing?

 Does your veterinarian only manage the symptoms by prescribing another pill? Try out Aches & Pains Service to aid your pet heal naturally thorough non-surgical soft tissue restoration & energy medicine.

Bladder Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are fairly common in dogs.  Typically, they're a result of bacteria traveling up the urethra and into the bladder. Dogs can pick up bacteria from the environment, swimming, or even spread from their own rectal or genital areas.


  • Increased frequency of urination but small amount
  • Blood in the urine
  • Strong-smelling urine
  • Accidents inside your home

We have tremendous success helping animals heal naturally with cancer. We also work in conjunction with the medical system veterinarians if your pet had or has conventional cancer treatments.


Arthritis is a term often used to mean any disorder that affects joints. Symptoms generally include joint pain and stiffness. 


  • Limping
  •  Extreme caution when laying down or getting back up
  • Groaning when you touch the area affected
Ear Infections

Ear infections are common conditions in dogs, especially those with floppy ears. An estimated 20% of dogs have some form of ear disease, which may affect one or both ears. 


  • Scratching at the Ear
  • Head Tilt and Shaking
  • Loss of Balance
  • Redness of the Ear
  • Oozing from the Ear
acute septic joint disease

Septic arthritis is an infection in the joint (synovial) fluid and joint tissues. Different types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi can infect a joint.


  • Warm to the touch joints
  •  Swelling Redness
  • Not be able to bear weight or unwilling to stand
No Bowl Movement

Constipation is a bowel dysfunction that makes bowel movements infrequent or hard to pass. The stool is often hard and dry. 


  • Abdominal pain or bloating
  •  Irritability
  • Vomiting
Neurological Issues

Common Neurological Disorders in Dogs. Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) occurs when the disc material inside a dog's spine starts bulging or ruptures. This compresses the spinal cord beneath the disc, disrupting the nerves that connect to the spinal cord.


  • Your pets walks slanted to one side
  • Pain along the spine, neck or back
  • Seizures
  • Loss of balance
Excessive Weight Gain

Obesity is a medical condition, sometimes considered a disease, in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that it may negatively affect health.


  • No spark to play
  •  Abdominal sagging
  • Excessive panting when walking 
Skin infection

A skin infection is an infection of the skin in animals, that can also affect the associated soft tissues such as loose connective tissue and mucous membranes.


  • Itching & scratching 
  •  Red skin
  • Flaky or scaly skin 
Dental Disease

Tooth pathology is any condition of the teeth that can be congenital or acquired. Sometimes a congenital tooth diseases are called tooth abnormalities.


  • Bleeding gums
  •  Drop in appetite
  • Irritability
  • Missing teeth / bad breath
Aches & Pains - We Travel
Can't Make it to us?

We understand that not all pets can come into the clinic. It's no problem!

We can drive to you for a small additional fee.

click to watch

Why Sileo Wellness Loves Working With Pets

Always had a passion for helping animals. This started at the young age of 10 when I got my first puppy, Snoopy. He was my best friend and my love for the four-legged friends, only grew. 

Local Pet Shelter Volunteer

Always wanted to help animals, especially the stray ones who were alone and abandoned. This has led me to volunteer at the local pet shelter where I walked dogs. After 5 years, my wife and I had spent almost every Saturday and walked almost 70 dogs at the shelter. We did this religiously because if we didn't come, the dogs were left in their kennels all day. To top it off, the staff didn't have the time to constantly maintain a clean environment and seldom performed spot checks. Animals were without care, infested with fleas, poop stuck to their fur, and sometimes unable to reach the water in their cages.

This aggravated me because in such conditions a dog will never get adopted! Took a stand with the pet shelter director and advocated for the animals as they don't have a human voice. Things got better for a short time and soon we'd be back to square one. Got really tired of hearing, "We just don't have the money or staff". Between you and I belied the director was a BS artist who was never there. This was my only topic of conversation when I met with my friends. After they heard numerous horror stories, we decided to go to a local news station to report the animal abuse. Shortly after the story aired, the shelter director kicked me out.

Foster Pet Parent

Had to find a different way to help the four-legged friends. So when becoming a foster parent came up, I took it. Today, when an animal has no home to go to, they come to live with me and my wife. They get washed, loved, and taught skills needed to be adopted into a loving home.

Dean Sileo

Sileo Wellness - Owner

Animals We Work with

Sileo Wellness Holistic Pets sees dogs

We work with any size and any breed of dog.

Image of a British Short Hair Kitten

We work with most cats as long as they can be held. If your cat sits with you for a few seconds and takes off, it may be challenging to work with them.

Illustration of a grey goat and a brown horse
Goats & Horses

We understand you may not be able to bring in your horse or goat to the clinic. It's why we offer the, "We come to you" service. This way, not animal is left untreated.

Certifications, Techniques & Frequency Healing

These are the core services we offer with our packages.

Animal Telepathic Communication

During this course offered by Animal Communication I discovered how to communicate with animals & reconnect with this innate ability we all have. 

Non Surgical Soft Tissue Restoration

The main culprit for your animals aches & pains is the build up of scar tissue or crystallization in the joints and body.

Non Surgical Soft Tissue Restoration gently breaks down the crystallization & scar tissue.

So you pet can enjoy a wider range of motion and live pain free.

Energy Medicine - iTeraCare

iTeraCare has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow which helps to regenerate organs, glands & tissues.

  • Eliminates Unhealthy Cells: Includes all abnormal or mutated cells when being absorbed by the terahertz frequency.
  • Awaken Dormant Stem Cells: Awakens dormant stem cells in the bone marrow which helps to regenerate organs, glands & tissues.
  • Improves microcirculation: iTeraCare dilates blood vessels & reduces blood flow resistance & viscosity. 

Animals We don't work with

Illustration of three yellow fish

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Illustration of a green snake with red tongue
Exotic Animals

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Illustration of turtle

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Adopting  A  Dog  From  The  Shelter

For the most seamless transition for the animal and your family!

what they say About Our Holistic Pets Services


O5 Farms

I want to take a minute to give a shout out to this amazing human, Dean. He is faithful to come to the farm on a daily basis, equipment in tow, to spend time working on our sweet Elvis to try to help improve his quality of life and hopefully get him up and moving again.

He will not accept a dime for his time and services. If you are searching for a non surgical way to improve a medical condition that you’re experiencing, give Dean a call. His Wellness Practice is located in Buford and is called @sileowellness   where he specializes in life coaching, deep tissue healing, natural light therapy, and all things health & wellness. 

Chris M.

Manager | 

The Bioptron light is amazing and I believe it gave my dog that had cancer a longer happier pain-free life.

She really has turned around and
I just wanted to let you know how much it meant to me that you would care for our dog. And show the love you did for her. It really means a lot.

Leigh Carroll


My dog is a mastiff mix weighing over 100 pounds. He also suffered from hip and back pain. He greatly benefited from Dean’s skill and mastery of deep tissue massage. 

Not only does Dean have a deep connection with people but animals as well. He has an amazing calming presence. 

Without a doubt, I highly recommend him to you.

our pricing plans

Behaviour Telepathic Animal Communication

Here is everything included with your visit:

  • Up to 1 Hr Telepathic Animal Communication: You receive the answers via email. from the animal. I do not need to be present I need to know basic information. VALUE $149
  • Consultation Guidance: 15 min phone call to go over the results VALUE $37.25
  • Animal Communication 3 TIPS: (implement) To aid you in communicating with your pet VALUE $29
  • 30 Minutes Bioptron Therapy: To calm your pet & reduce anxiety VALUE $74.50
  • 5 Min Halo Treatment Therapy: Brings in healing frequencies from natural botanical herbs & mushrooms VALUE $49
  • 5 Minutes iTeraCare Treatment: 1-30 Tera Frequency to trigger DNA repair & collagen production VALUE $34.50
  • Personalized Website: With all your information located in one place for easy access VALUE $99


Pet owners deserve some TLC too! Receive 20 Minutes of the Avacen Treatment (10 min on each hand) to increase your body's circulation & maintain optimal health VALUE $49.66

Total Value $521.91

Yours for $149


Here is everything included with your first two visits:


  • 15 Minutes Energy Medicine Pre Treatment: To calm your pet VALUE $37.25
  • 5 Minutes iTeraCare Treatment: 1-30 Tera Frequency to trigger DNA repair & collagen production VALUE $34.50
  • 15 Minutes Energy Medicine Post Treatment: To aid in healing VALUE $37.25
  • 1 oz spray bottle: Structure Water To aid in hydration VALUE $12.99
  • Personalized Website: With all your information located in one place for easy access VALUE $99


  • 15 Minutes Energy Medicine Pre Treatment: To calm your pet VALUE $37.25
  • 15 Minutes Non-Surgical Soft Tissue Restoration: To remove scar tissue & calcification so your pet can heal VALUE $49
  • 5 Minutes iTeraCare Treatment: 1-30 Tera Frequency to trigger DNA repair & collagen production VALUE $29
  • 15 Minutes Energy Medicine Post Treatment: To aid in healing VALUE $37.25
  • Bring back bottle for free refill. 1 oz spray bottle: Structure Water To aid in hydration VALUE $12.99

FREE BONUS - take home protocol

After care protocol for your pet post treatment to guide them in healing. VALUE $19.89

Total Value $406.37

Yours for $199


Can't come to us? No problem! We'll gladly do a home visit.

 Available for horses & goats.

Everything include in the Aches & Pains - At the Clinic PLUS

  • Mileage: We come to you. Within 20 mile radius. VALUE $249
  • Mileage: We come to you. Outside 20 mile radius. VALUE CONTACT US FOR PRICING

Total Value $655.37

Yours for $448


See the most asked questions

What is telepathic animal communication?

Telepathic communication simply is communicating mentally, through the transfer of thoughts. It is a two-way conversation, which means you send as well as receive information.

How does telepathic animal communication work?

Telepathy is a two-way conversation which works through all our five senses when sending or receiving information through thoughts. It is an innate ability we all have & can develop.

How Can you change behaviours of my pet through telepathic communication?

The purpose of animal communication is not to change the behaviours or to train.

Through animal communication, we strictly communicate to understand the thoughts, feelings and perspectives from the point of view of the animal.

Once we have this understanding of the animal behaviours, we can come up with a solution that works for the animal and the owner. It's a two way street.


For more information on Non-Surgical Soft Tissue Restoration, please check out this page.

IS the NON-SURGICAL SOFT TISSUE RESTORATION technique safe to perform on animals?

Yes! It's safe to work on animals. I take extra care when performing this technique as they cannot communicate as humans do. It's why we work in a 15 minute window vs. 1 hours like we do with humans.

I had amazing results with this technique on animals and I know yours will feel great post treatment as well.

WHy can't you perfor NON-SURGICAL SOFT TISSUE RESTORATION on my pet during the first appointment?

Most pets are a little scared during their first visit. Especially if they visited veterinarians before and didn't have a pleasant experience.

Non-Surgical Soft Tissue Restoration is a very affective treatment only when the animal is relaxed and acclimated to me and the environment. Normally this happens on the second visit.

what if my pets requires multiple treatments? Do you offer discounts for multiple treatments?

Yes! We offer bundle pricing on Energy Medicine and Non-Surgical Soft Tissue Restoration.

After your initial appointment, we'll offer a customized treatment plan for your pet. 


iTeraCare uses three technologies in one device:

  1. Terahertz technology 
  2. Quantum technology 
  3. Optical quartz technology 

is iteracare safe to use?

The iTeraCare is certified for safety & patented by the Chinese Academy of Science & Technology.

how does iteracare technology work exactly?

iTeraCare uses heat and frequency to:

  • PenetratE – Up to 30 cm deep into the body reaching the bone marrow, micro blood vessels and capillaries. It enhances micro blood circulation & eliminates body humidity.  
  • IDENTIFICATION – iTeraCare strengthens healthy cells and repairs damaged cells simultaneously. Expels unhealthy cells, clears blocked passages & vesselsdetoxifies all cells.
  • Activation – iTeraCare regulates temperature and improves immunity by activating the weak and inactive cells. 

iteracare uses terahertz frequency, what is that & what does it do?

Terahertz is an electromagnetic wave band between a microwave & infrared frequency. It's between 30 micrometer to 3000 micrometer frequency. 

The iTeraCare, resonates the same frequency as normal healthy cells in our body which are anywhere from 2 terahertz to 17 terahertz.

It helps by generating million of vibrations per seconds into the body cells to activate the weak and inactive cells to start working again as they were intended to.

When was iteracare invented and where?

iTeraCare was initially invented in 2010 by The Beijing Institute of Science and technology. Since then there were three model modifications created (2015, 2017 & 2019).


Yes. You'll receive an easy to follow PDF with all the important information post pet treatment so you can take the best care of your pet to help them heal at home.

I cannot bring my horse to the clinic do you do site visits?

Absolutely! For details, please look at Our Pricing Plans Aches & Pains - We Come to You for full details.

how to book

To book an appointment for your pet is simple as 1-2-3!


Choose the plan that is right for you. Click here to be taken to our pricing plans. Click the button below the plan you wish to book.


Choose a date and time that is most convenient for you & your pet to visit.


That's it! You'll receive an email confirmation once you pay for your visit.


Adopting a Dog From The Shelter 

For the most seamless transition for the animal and your family!
